Cristóbal Fernández Muñoz

Outbrain rising stars – interview with Cristobal Fernandez, Tuenti Mobile

Gracias a la iniciativa de Outbrain, el diario británico The Guardian publica entrevista conmigo sobre marketing, comunicación y contenidos digitales. Reproduzco el contenido que espero sea de interés 😉

Cristobal Fernandez, head of communications with Tuenti Mobile discusses digital marketing with the Outbrain team

What are you most excited about in the digital marketing space at the moment?

It is a very exciting time to be in this space – which is full of radical change. On one hand, we have new opportunities and new possibilities of interaction with the emergence of new tools and increasingly diverse audiences. But, on the other hand, we have rapidly evolving strategies and tactics; while the latter has radically changed, marketing strategies have hardly been affected. Meanwhile, marketers are challenged by the increasing fragmentation of channels to obtain effective impact in their campaigns.

What’s your favourite example of innovative digital marketing?

We all agree that the importance of smartphones and mobile devices in general in marketing is set increase over the coming years. The formula for success has not yet been resolved, given the constraints imposed by mobile devices, so we’re forced to rethink many aspects related to formats and appropriate content.

Where do you go for great content?

General media, blogs, social networks … Although, thanks to microblogging, instant access to relevant content is easier than ever. It is important the content we reach is of high quality; not all content that readers reach online is relevant. The most important elements of good content are creativity and uniqueness.

What’s next for digital content? What defines good content?

The key is relevance and credibility. Make your content interesting, relevant to the audience, attention grabbing, credible and reliable. In addition to the authority of the sources, a brand’s reputation for good content is enhanced through using proven facts; by including interesting stats from credible sources, your brand begins to build a strong relationship with its audience and, therefore, a strong positive image.

What is the biggest myth about content marketing?

Self-sufficiency. Content marketing cannot be effective without taking into account the overall communication strategy of the company or organisation. It is often remarked within the marketing industry that public relations and content marketing are effectively the same practice. It’s clear that the two disciplines work symbiotically, as good public relations are essential for impactful use of content marketing.

How are you amplifying and maximising your content?

It’s necessary to combine all available tools. Good public relations is key to establishing a brand’s position in the industry via the use of key messages and relationships with key influencers in the brand’s space, while the actions of marketing and advertising are hitting the same message and providing frequency to it. In the digital world, it is clear that traditional advertising loses much of its effectiveness and it is much more expensive. 

Therefore, it is important to adopt a different philosophy, integrating all disciplines and tools to search for new approaches to innovation, which remain relevant to the brand’s audience.